Mission Statement

The mission of the Albert the Great Society shall be to pray for educational institutions which will respond to the kind of vision provided by Plato in the Republic, by John Henry Cardinal Newman in The Idea of a University, by Donald Cowan in Unbinding Prometheus, and by Pope John Paul II in Ex corde ecclesiae; to support such educational institutions, and to found such educational institutions, as need and opportunity indicate; and to further the cause of education by deepening and broadening educational vision wherever we have opportunity.

Notice that there are four texts mentioned in our mission statement. We do not believe these four books are infallible, nor do we always agree with them in everything they say. But these four books, given to us by four bold, gracious, and thoughtful people, inspire us to believe that we can help others to learn, to grow, to teach, and to build.

Copies of the founding documents (Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws) are available for you to read. We also have adopted a Conflict of Interest Policy.

The five founding members would love to share their thoughts with you, and to hear yours. There are wonderful possibilities before us.